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Soil-Water Conservation & Manure Management

CWA engineers provide planning, design, and construction supervision services for agricultural waste, manure management, water supply management (drainage and irrigation), and natural resource conservation systems. Our Technical Service Providers (TSP) work with producers to meet NRCS construction design, installation, and check-out requirements in order to obtain EQIP funding.  CWA engineers are innovators in alternative treatment systems that meet environmental and economic objectives for open lot runoff control. 

Typical services provided by CWA include but not limited to:

  • Agriculture Drainage Systems (drainage tile)

  • Erosion Control

  • Settling Basins

  • Earthen Basins (Ponds)

  • Manure Storage Basins (earthen, concrete, liner)

  • Open Feedlot Runoff

  • Manure Storage (concrete, synthetic, or compaced earth liner

  • Vegetative Treatment Systems

  • Pump Sizing and Design

Please contact us for additional services not listed above

Vegetative Treatment Area

Lytton, IA

Project consisted of controlling and treating feedlot runoff by utilizing a vegetative treatment system and two solid settling basins (one utilizing concrete walls, one utilizing earthen berm walls). Both settling basins had concrete bottoms designed to facilitate solids removal. Settled effluent from the basins fed a vegetative treatment area which included three channels, each approximately 80 feet wide and 1000 feet long on 0.5-1.5% slope. The channels were seeded to brome grass and reeds canary grass to retard flow, and increase infiltration. A small berm located below the channels diverted remaining runoff  in order to maintain the required separation distance from the nearby creek.

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